Thursday, January 2, 2014

Procedure for Programming The Wireless Remote TSTAT2

The Bosch Wireless Remote Control (TSTAT2) is used to remotely control the temperature of the Bosch Therm tankless water heater. The TSTAT2 does NOT have the ability to remotely reset the Bosch Therm hot water heater. Below is a more in depth procedure for installing the remote control.

The Bosch Wireless Remote Control (TSTAT2) is designed to work with the following Bosch Therm Tankless Water Heaters: C 1210 ESC, C 1210 ES, C 920 ESC, C 920 ES, C 1050 ES, C 800 ES, Integra 500, C 950 ES, 940ES, 940ESO, 715 ES, Evolution 500 and 830ES as well as the Bosch AquaStar 2700ES and 2400ES heaters.

TSTAT2 Remote Control Installation:

On the "heater" control panel, press and hold Program key while
pressing the ON/OFF button to ON.  Release program key when LCD
displays “188”.  LCD shows “P2”. If not, repeat previous step.

1. Press the + button on the heater to select "P3".  Press and hold Program 
key again for 1 sec.  LCD shows one number and one rotating digit. If not, 
repeat previous step.

The number represents the remote control which is to be registered, the
first remote control will be registered with number “0”, the second with
number “1” and so on.  The rotating digit shows that the electronics is 
expecting a registration and waiting for response from wireless remote.  
If the LCD fails to show a number and rotating digit after repeated attempts, 
double check the wire connections made in section 5.1.

2.  Hold wireless remote control in front of the control panel on the heater and
simultaneously press remote control buttons until the temperature indication 
is shown on the remote control LCD.

3.   Press ON / OFF button on the front of the heater to OFF position and then
back ON.

4.  Press buttons + or - on the remote to reach desired temperature.

New remote control is programmed.

To program a 2nd or 3rd remote to the same heater, follow the steps above and 
then after the remote is programmed you will be able to use the first or 2nd or 
3rd remote to raise or lower the temperature on the heater.  Please remember
the remotes cannot be used to reset the heater if an error code should appear.

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